Dr. Sabrina Pit
Director Work Wiser International Australia

Dr. Sabrina Pit is the Director of Work Wiser International, and an HR, health, and ageing consultant with a special interest in digital technology and workforce analytics. Sabrina has completed Australian state-wide rural health workforce needs assessments, which supports state-wide workforce solutions. Her aim is to introduce key Human Resources International ISO Standards into organisations to realize long-term growth and sustainable practices.
Sabrina’s intimate knowledge of ISO standards is an asset for organizations seeking to improve their outcomes. She is the Chair of Standards Australia Mirror Board Ageing Societies MB027 and Committee-member of Standards Australia HRM Board MB009. She was honoured as a 2022 Standards Hero for her expertise and service to Standards Australia for the benefit of the Australian community. On international level, Sabrina has been the Australian Head of Delegation for ISO TC314 Ageing Societies since 2018, where she led the development of ISO 25550:2022 Ageing societies — General requirements and guidelines for an ageinclusive workforce. Currently, she is the convenor of TC314 Ageing Societies Metrics, and serves on several other ISO working groups, including HR Metrics,
age-inclusive digital economies, and the working group updating “ISO 30414:2018, HRM — Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting”.
Sabrina also serves as the Eurasia meeting coordinator for the Global Expert
Network HCM Impact, actively promoting ISO 30414 (https://hcm-impact.com/).